Bathrooms have a major impact on home value. What improvements can you make in a bathroom that will add value? What should you avoid doing? Clients always ask me what to do and what to avoid doing in terms of home improvements; especially, if like many, they plan to sell shortly.
Here are a half dozen bathroom ideas you can and should “dive all in” on!
1. Steam in the shower- This is a great splurge. Firstly, there are a lot of health benefits to steam from increased circulation, to stress management and improved moods. What “turns the heat up” even further on adding steam to the shower is the fact that since the pandemic hit homeowners and buyers are desiring more amenities at home. Any element that adds rejuvenation, and is viewed as a “luxury ” item is so highly coveted with homebuyers right now.
2. Air- jet baths. These also increase circulation plus decrease muscle aches and pains. It also ups the “feels like a spa” theory sought by buyers. Many clients ask if they should even have a bathtub in the bathroom. I say yes. Any young family who looks at your house will want at least one bathtub. (Full disclosure, I am also a “bath every night” kind of gal!)
3. Towel warmers- Seems excessive right? How many of you have and LOVE your steering wheel heaters in your car??? It’s the same concept! Stepping out of the shower and into a warm towel? Pure Heaven!
4. Mirrors with LED lighting – These are always a great buy. They brighten a room and offer better light for makeup application. Light also has a huge impact on our mood. A lack of it can seriously dampen our spirits while a bright, inviting space serves to lift!
5. Thermostatic Mixing Valves- The Thermostatic Mixing Valve is used to control the water temperature at the water heater. it gives you more control over the temperature and water pressure for a more enjoyable shower…and who doesn’t want that!
6. Radiant heat in the floor- Worth every penny! No noise, no maintenance, easy to install, energy-efficient and did I mention their ability to uniformly heat a room and a floor???
So there you have it- 6 home improvements to splurge on in the bathroom. You will thank me after you implement them and ENJOY them yourselves AND you will thank me when it comes time to sell!!!
Happy bathing!